Episode 39: Todd Howard’s Groundhog Day Extrava-Gat-Gat-Ganza

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The Cynical Nerd
The Cynical Nerd
Episode 39: Todd Howard's Groundhog Day Extrava-Gat-Gat-Ganza

What is Battlefield 2042’s new Hazard Zone mode about? Is Epic a developer with original ideas? Will Halo: Infinite release as a full product? How many Skyrim versions are enough? Does the live-action Cowboy Bebop show look any good? No. No it doesn’t, sorry – spoiled that one for you out of the gate. We also discuss the final Eternals trailer, how we’re going to miss the Spider-Man trailer that’s likely debuting as we post this and then we dive HILT DEEP into The Green Knight and Episode 2 of Marvel’s What If!

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